Coloured Pencil Titanium White


What makes this special?

Titanium White is the safest and most opaque white available to artists today. It is applied using a small sponge applicator on a toothy surface pure Titanium. The White has maximum covering power and creates the brightest possible whites in the composition. It is easy to correct by lifting the pigment with a kneadable eraser; and can be secured to the surface with a spray of Advanced Colored Pencil Final Fixative.

How do you use it?

This is a beautiful product that can be used in conjunction with the Colored Pencil Touch-up Texture to bring whites back to your work. Visit the Touch-up Texture page for more information and resources.

Want to explore more resources?

There are some fantastic resources that are available from artist sites and artist YouTube channels. There is much to be learnt from other artists!

Would you like to buy it?

Colored Pencil Touch-up Texture and Titanium White can be purchased from our Shop.